Dec 30, 20152 min read
The F Word – “Frog”
. "Ohh FROG!" You might remember this viral video from several years ago. Toddlers cannot pronounce the word “frog” and instead, were...
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Dec 15, 20151 min read
Rectangles are stretchy squares
they explain by discussing the number of sides there are they explain by discussing the number of vertices there are they explain by...
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Dec 4, 20151 min read
Moms are like ogres
Sorry to all the mothers out there, but this one is too cute not to share. Followed by a conversation about getting into trouble, a Grade...
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Dec 4, 20151 min read
The Largest Number
In a summer math program of 2015, there was a 6-year-old little girl who caught my attention because she simply doesn’t stop talking!!...
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Nov 29, 20151 min read
Gr 3 student: “I want a credit card!”
Student: I want to have a credit card. Me: Why? Student: So I can buy toys. Me: Okay, do you know how a credit card works? Student: Ya, I...
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